
How to coach and be coached – part 3 of 4

Andrew Taylor - Spud Fit | July 24, 2021

This is the 3rd post in a series of 4 on how to coach and be coached. Check out my blog to see previous posts.

The foundation of a good coaching relationship is based on simple, open and clear two-way communication. Both of you should be open, engaged and ready to learn from each other.

How to coach

Clear and simple planning is key. Understand that multi-tasking is a myth. We do best when all our attention is focussed on the job at hand, with as few distractions as possible. Don’t fill your client up with a long list of things they need to work on. Distil your discussion down into a maximum of 2-3 items of focus for your client. Encourage them to continually return to these items whenever they feel their focus pulled in a new direction.

This approach will reduce the feeling of stress and overwhelm that comes with the difficult task of behaviour change. It will also make success more realistic so that smaller wins can be picked up along the way and momentum can be built as more and more boxes get checked.

How to be coached

Be open and engaged with the process. Allow your thoughts and ideas to evolve, change and grow. Speak up if you feel like something won’t or isn’t working for you, take ownership of  what’s going on. Don’t be afraid to challenge your coach, ask questions and get clarification on anything and everything.

Be willing to let go of your ideas of what success is and how it’s best achieved. Trust that your coach has “been there and done that” and there might actually be some method to their madness. At the same time, they should be able to explain things in a way that makes their madness sounds somewhat reasonable!

Spud up!

P.S. For the first time in a very long time, I have a few coaching places available. Click HERE to book a free intro session with me.

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