
Andrew Taylor - Spud Fit | April 26, 2018

Why You Need A Thought Plan More Than A Meal Plan!

[embed][/embed] Every day people write to me asking for a meal plan of some kind, they…
Andrew Taylor - Spud Fit | February 26, 2018

Tim Kaufman – Fat Man Rants.

  Tim Kaufman was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) in his early twenties.  He was…
Andrew Taylor - Spud Fit | January 28, 2018

FUNruary is coming!

CANuary has been a major success in the Spud Fit Academy! Relationships with food have…
Andrew Taylor - Spud Fit | January 22, 2018

How to Parent your Inner Child

  A small child is kicking and screaming on the floor of the shopping centre,…
Andrew Taylor - Spud Fit | December 11, 2017

Turning Negative Thoughts Into Positive Actions

  When I first came up with the idea for my Spud Fit Academy I…
Andrew Taylor - Spud Fit | December 4, 2017

New Research – Junk Food Reprograms Your Brain

New research has made headlines in Australia today, showing that a poor diet can change…
Andrew Taylor - Spud Fit | November 27, 2017

Book Review – The Potato Reset by Jeannine Elder

  I’ve been asked many times to start doing reviews of books, kitchenware, documentaries, studies…
Andrew Taylor - Spud Fit | April 27, 2017

My First Non Potato Meal Live on TV!

We had such a great time at the party for the end of my Spud…
Andrew Taylor - Spud Fit | January 10, 2017

Food Minimalism

At the start of 2016 I set myself a challenge. I wanted to beat my…
Andrew Taylor - Spud Fit | December 20, 2016

It’s A Fine Line Between Pleasure And Pain

Food is one of life’s great pleasures! Food should be an enjoyable experience! We should…